Wednesday, 30 April 2014

"Letting Go" Meditation Reflection - Apr 30 14

Link to the meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm.

Came to the meditation a little more anxious than other days recently since fears of stress and struggle around finances were on my mind. To let go of them a little during meditation was a relief, feeling my self free of them was a great burden lifted. Free in the sense of going with the flow, that the stresses come and go and needn't overwhelm, if I have a less obsessive attitude toward them.

There's also the sense of an attitude that "everything will work out ok," which I have heard in the guidance and talks as a reasonable state of mind for life, and perhaps based on the idea that this life is not as important as we, who are unenlightened, make it out to be.

The short term anxieties that are part of society have a deep hold on me some days, I always seem to look to avoid them by reacting with fear and reaching out for help. I learn on the way what it is to have anxieties, so this allows me to be more compassionate and empathetic, and still I wish these anxieties over practical matters were more easily borne and less disruptive.

I have another sense that when I come to that lessening of those particular burdens, then they will just shift elsewhere.

The aim is to be more peaceful inside rather than look for peace outside.

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