Wednesday, 9 April 2014

'Separate from your thoughts' Meditation Reflection - Apr 9 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm

Came to the meditation no differently to recent days, quite relaxed, some underlying anxieties, several paths open to take, with obstacles ahead to do so.

My meditation, after letting go the body and spending a little while having mindfulness acting as gatekeeper for thoughts, one idea in particularly came through where I sensed that to create, it would benefit to not consider the audience,  not what I thought would want to be read, but to only consider deeply what I want to say, and that this would be true of all creators, a separation from the audience is necessary to prevent dilution of the spirit in which we create; to be simply and deeply and only what we are, that others may look upon it and reflect; retain power in the uniqueness of the voice and the representation; be looking out from the inside rather than looking in from the outside.

After this path had been followed a little while my body began to make automatic movements as mentioned occasionally by Ajahn Brahm as being beneficial to the meditator if they found it happening – it may be considered the body relieving tensions or stresses long held – so I went with it and let my body twist, mostly my neck, my head being twisted far to the right, feeling it stretch the left side is of my neck significantly, being in fact restricted by the wall I was leaning against, then my body moved as far again in the opposite direction and after that to a position curled over forward.

A feeling that these positions were ones in death from hanging, or before death by beheading, came, feelings that we have all died similarly and have the body memory somewhere. That my body was somehow working these out, that I had been executed many times, hopefully that I had not been a bad person but a victim.

Strange to have those feelings, I don't invest deep meaning into them, or declare them definitive, just that this is where my sense went whilst moving these ways. I also believe my body is helping me work out recent upper back pain, though that could be spiritually connected to tensions long held for buried reasons, it could also be simply for sitting with poor posture whilst writing.

The far flung occult and the absolutely mundane are of equal value, to feel physically well now is the aim. Certainly my physical movements that twisted me today felt guided by my body and something unconscious, or deeply internal, hopefully they will prove beneficial.

I feel quite well come the end of the meditation (which I brought myself out of, having lost the audio guidance on the device).

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