Saturday, 5 April 2014

'I won't condemn or blame.' Meditation Reflection - Apr 5 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm
Came to the meditation quite relaxed after listening to parts of a lecture and doing some stretching, I find the introductions to the meditations, after the first few listens, become a time of gearing up (down, really) for the start of the meditation, and the content of the guidance a path inward that I concentrate less on and use to relax, some ideas crop up and I hear them in ways I haven't heard them before when my focus is calmer.

During this meditation I was able to let go of the body quite well, it was connected still, but very calm, it moved of its own accord a little, I moved it a little myself a few times, at other times the stillness in it was relaxing.

My thoughts were very peripheral most of the time and I had my mindfulness quietly and gently shushing thoughts when they became too distinct, still, I did drift into brief periods of imagining current preoccupations, what if's and wanting, but happily, even now, just after the meditation, they are indistinct. I couldn't tell you a purpose or direction to those periods of thought, I am only left with the knowledge that they were going on and my mind was not silent, at rest and peaceful. Yet it was relaxed. I feel in this that I am not really fully meditating, that I am somehow shamming, simply sitting quietly and relaxing without stilling the mind and truly letting go, yet at the same time I won't condemn or blame, it is what it is at this stage in my meditation practice, it will be a different thing each time, and in time.

It feels beneficial.

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