Tuesday, 8 April 2014

'Separate From Your Thoughts' Meditation Reflection - Apr 8 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm.
Came to the the meditation without having engaged in the usual email, start of work, checking for things that must be done, 'monkey mind' morning. Made a cup of tea had sat and listened to the introduction whilst stretching and then went into the meditation under Ajahn Brahm's guidance.

After being able to relax my body enough to let it go, I found that a visualization whereby my thoughts are running on a screen behind me, rather than in front of me (where I would be watching them) was a helpful start in moving my thoughts away from me. Listening to the guidance I also heard an image suggested where one flies above the forest and free of the thoughts. I saw this, as both a butterfly and a bird were flying, yet I did not stay with it.

Thoughts did come and I followed them, one train of thought particularly where I was drawn to an idea for looking for work in a particular charity that I had a past connection with, that I had forgotten for years until the moment the thought popped into my head. I didn't want to completely dismiss those thoughts as they seemed linked to my relaxed state, as if my relaxation unblocked a tiny stream long dammed. I was not engaged in pursuing that thought without also focussing on staying relaxed in meditation, and it did go.

I came to the end of the meditation feeling quite relaxed, more so than at the start, there was a physical pain that I had not been able to let go fully, which is still with me a little, but I am feeling more in tune with the day that I was before I sat still and let myself practice meditation.

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