Saturday, 26 April 2014

"Remember You're Asleep" Meditation Reflection - Apr 26 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm.

I saw in this meditation that the enlightened ones are leaving clues; helping us to know we are asleep and to wake us up, either gently, or with a jolt. This is what dreaming gives us: a pattern to follow, a clue. This is what life's wanting is about: the sense that we are not fulfilled, but it gets mistaken for a thing to be fulfilled by accumulating and digging your heels in, being so completely asleep that you make the dream idyllic, not wanting to wake up; when it is the dream itself that must recognized before you can begin fulfillment.

My life could be construed as a visit to experience wanting and to connect with what I had forgotten in a previous life, perhaps where I had tantalizing glimpses of enlightenment; a life where I wondered what it would be like to want and worry, looking to do that in the next life, this one.

Could this be why I came into this life with muddied insight into there being more than I experienced in my waking moments, feeling different, having imagination that drove me inward, having poor sight to keep me there, being prodded along the way to keep me uncomfortable, saying "feel deeply what this life is," whilst always hinting that this is not all there is, that this is impermanent, so don't fall in so far that you can't get out?

Then I forgot; lived a human experience, and now once again the prodding happens: don't get lost, there is more than this, just experience this as one part of existence.

The fish in the water is the soul in a human, the I that you are is a small part of the whole truth.

Meditation is there to help you remember you're asleep and to let you wake up.

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