Sunday 16 March 2014

'30 Minute Meditation' Reflection - Mar 16 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm.
Almost didn't do today's meditation, being a victim of my monkey mind and being distracted by all manner of things leaving me little time before leaving for a later commitment. Just time though to fit in this 30 minute meditation (a little less, in truth), it's one I like.

During the meditation I was able to relax and let go of the body significantly, left to relax my mental world, I experienced what I presume is the usual lay experience of drifting thoughts. There were some moments of peace, where I began focusing on the breath, or rather my attention settled on the breath, but thoughts popped in again and distracted. The thoughts today had less worry behind them, some were amusing, some were forgotten within moments of having them, they weren't fully the centre of my attention at any time, becoming peripheral soon after occurring.

Coming to the end of the meditation I felt relaxed, more alert and less burdened than before it, the meditation does me good in that way, and so I carry on with it, most times wondering if there will be any breakthrough to deeper layers, but having in mind that to do that sets up a situation where one can't let go, for that wondering leads to wanting.

Best to just take the meditation as it comes and for whatever it is each time, there will always be another one as long as I keep up the practice. Like focusing on each event, or each day, instead of a life, when it brings less than what it offers in total.

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