Monday 31 March 2014

'Meditation posture' Meditation Reflection - Mar 31 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm

Came to the meditation quite relaxed, even after doing some early morning work which has importance and would at earlier times in my life before meditation stay on my mind and be distracting. Physically I had very minor aches that I was able to let go of mostly.

This meditation, focusing on allowing the body to be comfortable and letting go of the body in its comfortable position to then see the mind as a lotus petal, to which nothing sticks, allowed plenty of peace today, there were very few distracting thoughts.

The consideration of a mind to which nothing sticks during meditation was helpful, after having gone through some imaginations of what would stick to a lotus petal and letting them go. I found that if I was drifting in thoughts, those thoughts were so indistinct as to be almost unnoticeable and left behind quickly. There was some interruption to the quiet during my meditation which again was let go of quickly.

This meditation has limited and select guidance once begun, very spare and lots of room to leave the meditator to their own devices, and I found it to be one in which I felt peaceful and came out of more relaxed than when I started, not feeling quite as alert though as with the metta meditation of the previous days. I tended toward a dream like state rather than a mindful state I believe, so will see how it progresses this week.

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