Thursday 6 March 2014

'Lotus' Meditation Reflection - Mar 06 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm
Came to the meditation quite relaxed, physically and mentally, had been looking at social media and news a bit before starting so mind was left with remnants of those thoughts into the start of the meditation.

Felt able to let go of the body fairly well, and though there was some discomfort in my side that distracted for the duration, I did not have it central in my attention. Thoughts that came after I had let the body go were short lived and not repetitive or anxiety provoking, again, they were not central to my attention.

However, I did not really maintain a center at all, the thousand petalled lotus, as meditation object, did not stay in my attention long past the last mention of it by Ajahn Brahm, resurfacing occasionally.

At the end when asked, I felt that I had not gone deep into the lotus, maybe only the first layer of petals - letting go the body. There were brief periods of time in the meditation where I felt silence, so that would be a little deeper in, they were not lasting enough to connect them with petals of the lotus opening though.

I am alert at the end, I feel quite relaxed and we'll see where the day goes.

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