Monday 17 March 2014

'Attitude' Meditation Reflection - Mar 17 14

Link to meditation guided by Ven Cittapalo

Came to the meditation after a disturbed sleep, with a day ahead for a loved one that marks a turning point for them, which will affect the family's emotional life for a while, so it is on my mind too, however I try and let it go, which I have to a large degree; letting things unfold with less tension now than I might have had at other times. It is easy to know that it is not about me, I am there as support and encouragement, hopefully to celebrate relief.

The meditation allowed me to let go of my body well, too, for some time, though again there was some discomfort later on and I moved position. This is a longer meditation and sometimes it feels it. I had times where I just settled on the breath, or on my heartbeat, and did not have distracting thoughts. When I did have thoughts they fairly quickly became peripheral and I centered back on 'now', more so from about half way through the meditation.

I feel alert at the end of the meditation and more connected and 'alive' than before it, once again.

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