Friday 14 March 2014

'Atitude' Meditation Reflection - Mar 14 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ven. Cittapalo.

Came to the meditation after some quite intense stresses early morning, which were largely resolved, physically I had some discomfort in my side, but otherwise OK.

This meditation called for the visualization of a reflection, to see and feel the attitude brought to the meditation. I was unable to see myself in the visualized mirror, I saw other things, none distinct or coherent, mainly dream like spaces and beings, and none felt as if they were a reflection of me; if anything, I felt that I was not in the mirror.

As the meditation progressed and my attention drifted, with thoughts coming in, though none were pressing, I came back to the visualization of the mirror, and never once saw myself. I would say it is because my concentration and ability to see the visualization are poor, not drawing any further conclusion from that.

I was comfortable and able to relax the body, and my thoughts did not trouble me, at the end of the meditation I feel quite relaxed, though can glean nothing distinct from this guidance as opposed to the process in other guided meditations, at least regarding the meditation practice.

It is of course very useful to imagine oneself and see and feel how you appear, if you consider that is perhaps what others see and feel. To soften ones attitude and to have a good outlook is more pleasing for others to be around, and brings more joy and peace into interaction and to oneself.

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