Tuesday 4 March 2014

'Center Of Attention' Meditation Reflection - Mar 04 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm.

Came to the meditation quite relaxed and physically well, managed to let go of the body to a good extent and settle the mind for a little while before falling into a pattern of repetitive thinking, about an unimportant satirical issue, and from that time on I did not have the mindfulness, joy in, or perception of a meditation object for long enough to leave those thoughts and come back to peace. Some of my thoughts amused me, and I leant a little on the instruction to let the mind go where it will, without putting importance into whatever is being thought, so letting it stop of its own accord, to justify letting them persist, but it would say that it was my often prevalent 'monkey mind' that took me away from relaxing meditation today. I was almost entirely in the future, working out what I might write, "kicking the ball," and not letting my thoughts come to rest, to leave them for later and use the meditation for more beneficial purposes. I do feel alert though, so perhaps there was a benefit in there that even my repetitive thinking couldn't dispel, since the subject was, at least, enjoyable as opposed to anxiety provoking?

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