Monday 7 April 2014

'Meditation Posture' Meditation Reflection - Apr 7 14

Link to meditation, guided by Ajahn Brahm

Came to The meditation quite relaxed yet with a heavy heart after watching "History of the Jews" - a PBS documentary series - last night. This morning prior to the meditation I was unable to apply 'letting go of the past' to that weight of suffering, though wanted to balance it with joy. The balance is out. Anyhow, it has dulled my joy today, appropriately, maybe, though I doubt it is the Simon Schama's intention to leave the viewer feeling sad at the end of the series.

The meditation was very peaceful, I let go of the body fairly completely, with minimal fidgeting and only sight postural changes, of which some were led by my body rather than my mind.

Mentally I drifted in low level, even thoughts, and had a measure of mindfulness looking out for thoughts to guide me to silence. I did experience some silence, some peace, some, indivisibility with my surroundings.

Feeling quite calm now, pleased at least to have followed another morning's practice.

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